Jacob Kelley has been turkey hunting for 25 years and has had the privilege to be a guide for 16 years. From an early age he made alot of memories with his dad, grandpa, and step-dad yelping in the turkey woods. He, along with some of his turkey hunting footage has appeared on several Mossy Oak TV shows over the years. Although he loves chasing longbeards, the most important things to him are his faith in his Lord and Savior and his family, and although he enjoys taking clients, hunting with his wife, dad, brothers and sister, are his favorite times in the field. To sum it up he says, "The Lord blessed me with a family that took me hunting as a boy and my passion for chasing turkeys has grown from that point into what it is today. I eagerly await the day I get to take my kids to the turkey woods and continue the cycle that was started two generations ago."

Bubba Crosby is an avid bowhunter and passionate sportsman from north east Florida. There are many things in the outdoors that he enjoys doing but turkey hunting is at the top of that list. “I have been blessed by the good Lord with the ability and opportunity to chase these birds and I will spend the rest of my life honoring Him in doing so”. He believes turkey hunting is way more than just killing birds, “Its about the chase, the time hunting with family and friends and spending time in Gods creation”. “ I love my Jesus, I love my family and I love my turkey hunting”.

“My name is Kyle Cates. Born and raised in a small city above Chattanooga, Tennessee called Dunlap. Located right in the middle of the Sequatchie valley. My favorite part about where I live is I can step on my front porch in the spring and hear the thunder of a big Tom roll through the ridges. Hunting has been a passion of mine since I could walk. Growing up I’d lose sleep thinking about being in the woods the next morning. However, I do love chasing big bucks in the fall, turkey hunting will always be my most passionate hobby. When it’s all said and done my favorite part about the outdoors is that I can use it as a platform to bring other people to know Christ as their lord and savior. That’s what it’s all about, fellowship between brothers and sisters of Christ and seeing others come to know Jesus. “